Saturday, January 25, 2020
Management Of Variations In Construction Management Construction Essay
Management Of Variations In Construction Management Construction Essay Management of Variations could be counted as one of the most significant challenges in construction management. The nature and amount of Variations occurrence varies from one project to another depending on various factor (CII, 1986; Kaming, Olomloaiye, Holt Harris, 1997). Arain and Low (2005a) identified the design phase as the most likely area on to focus to reduce the number of Variations. The newsletter Law Talk by McKays Solicitors discussed that Contractors inability to successfully pursue variations claims, is one of the main factors contributing to business bankruptcy in the industry. One way to reduce Variations on site is to begin with is to focusing on what and how does the project team can help in minimizing the problems during the design phase (Arain, 2005). Variations changing the design or the specifications usually have a time impact and a cost impact. It is for this reason that the construction drawings and specification should be prepared with great care and precision. The less ambiguity in terms of design documentation, then lower the potential for Variations (Stuart Miller, 2009). This chapter focuses on the definition and nature of Variations. The causes and impacts which the Variations influence from the pre-construction stage until the construction stage will be identified. Definition A construction contract is an agreement to build and can be subjected to variability. Contractual provisions relating to changes allow certain parties involved in the Contract to initiate variation orders within the ambit of and without vitiating the Contract. There is no single explanation for the word variation. Variation in layman terms means changes, alteration or modifications. Each standard form of building contract has its own definition for Variation. In PAM 2006 (Clause 11.1) Variation means the alteration of modification of the design, quality or quantity of the Works. A Variation can be any, a combination of any of the following: Variation in building projects may mean the alteration of modification of the design quality or quality of the Works in the Contract drawings and described by the Contract Bill of Quantities and includes the addition, omission or substitution of any work (Clause 11.1 (a) ), the alteration of the kind of standard of any of the material as goods to be used in the Works (Clause 11.1 (b) ), and the removal from site of any work executed or material and good brought thereon by the Contractor for the purpose of the Works other than work, material and goods which are not in accordance with the contract (Clause 11.1 (d) ). Variation in building projects together related with instruction of expenditure of provisional sums, prime cost sums and instruction related the nature of Works are a Variation in the contract documents. Variation of contract in law, are variation of the contract terms condition. Example: both parties alter the original contract document by agreement after execution of the original contract. Variation of price clause which enables the sum to be adjusted for increase or reduction in the cost of labour or materials. Variations are directly attributed to matter not being stated or as required in the contract documents. This occurs either because circumstances actually changes or because circumstances upon which the contract documents based were misinterpreted. The former is matters which can easily appreciated and comprehend. Nevertheless, it still has two distinct aspects. Firstly, circumstances may change in such a way, which can have no control, that the documentation can now be seen to be defective. Alternatively, circumstances may require that the client determines a choice of action, with the resulting choice of creating a Variation. Most standard forms of contract include a clause under which the employer or his representative is able to issue an instruction to the contractor to vary the works which are described in the contract. A change in shape of the scheme, the introduction of different materials, revised timing and sequence are all usually provided for by the variations clause. It will also usually include a mechanism for evaluating the financial effect of the variation and there is normally provision for adjusting the completion date. In the absence of such a clause the employer could be in a difficulty should a variation to the works be required. The contractor could both refuse to carry out the work or undertake the work and insist upon payment on a quantum meruit or fair valuation basis. Calculation of the price for the extra work applying this method could involve payment well in excess of the contract rates. Potential Causes of Variation Literature reviews that of Variations and Variation Orders requires a comprehensive understanding of the root causes of Variations (Hester et al., 1991).Variations some of which are financial, design aesthetics, changes in drawings, weather, geological and geotechnical reasons. From the literature review, there were 53 causes of Variations identified and these Variations are mainly caused by the Employer, Consultants and Contractors. As shown in Figure 1, these causes of Variations were grouped under four categories: Employer related Variations, Consultants related Variations, Contractor related Variations and other Variations. These Causes of Variations have been identified by many researchers (CII, 1990a; Thomas and Napolitan, 1994; Clough and Sears, 1994; Fisk, 1997; Ibbs et al., 1998; OBrien, 1998; Mokhtar et al., 2000; Gray and Hughes, 2001; Arain et al., 2004). The causes of Variations can be categorized according to the originators (CII, 1990a; Thomas and Napolitan, 1994). The 53 causes identified from the literature review are also discussed below. Causes of Variations Employer related Variations Consultants related Variations Contractors related Variations Change of plans or scope by Employer Change in design by Consultants Lack of Contractors involvement in design Change of schedule by Employer Errors and omissions in design Unavailability of equipment Employers financial problem Conflict between contract documents Unavailability of skills Inadequate project objective Inadequate scope of work for contractor Contractors financial difficulties Replacement of materials/procedure Technology change Contractors desired profitability Impediment in prompt decision making process Value engineering Differing site conditions Obstinate nature of Employer Lack of coordination Defective workmanship Change in specifications by Employer Design complexity Unfamiliarity with local conditions Inadequate working drawing details Lack of specialized construction manager Inadequate shop drawing details Fast track construction Consultant lack of judgment and experience Poor procurement process Lack of consultants knowledge of available materials and equipment Lack of communication Honest wrong belief of consultant Contractors lack of judgement experience Consultants lack of required data Long lead procurement Obstinate nature of consultant Honest wrong belief of contractor Ambiguous design details Complex design and technology Design discrepancies (inadequate design) Lack of strategic planning Non-compliance design with govt. regulation Contractors lack of required data Non-compliance design with owners requirement Contractors obstinate nature Change in specifications by Consultant Figure 1: Causes of Variation grouped under four categories A. Employer Related Changes This section discusses the causes of Variations that were initiated by the Employer. In some cases, the Employer directly initiates Variations or the Variations are required because the Employer fails to fulfil certain requirements for carrying out the project. Change of plans or scope by Employer: Change of plan or scope of project is one of the most significant causes of Variations in construction projects (CII, 1990b) and is usually the result of insufficient planning at the project planning stage, or also i can because of lack of involvement of the Employer in the design phase (Arain et al., 2004). This cause the Variations affects the project severely during the later phases. Change of schedule by Employer: A change of schedule or master programme during the project construction phase may result in major resource reallocation (Fisk, 1997; OBrien, 1998). This is because time has an equivalent money value. A change in schedule means that the Contractor will either provide additional resources, or keep some resources idle in the construction site. In both cases additional cost is incurred. Employers financial problems: The Employer of the project may run into difficult financial situations that force him to make changes in an attempt to reduce cost of the project. Employers financial problems affect project progress and quality (Clough and Sears, 1994; OBrien, 1998). Proper financial planning and review of project cash flow would be effective in avoid this problem to from happening. Inadequate project objectives: Inadequate project objectives are one of the causes of Variations in construction projects (Ibbs and Allen, 1995). Due to inadequate project objectives, the designers would not be able to develop a comprehensive design which leads to many of Variations during the project construction phase. Replacement of materials or procedures: Replacement of materials or procedures may cause major Variations during the construction phase. The substitution of procedures includes Variations in application methods (Chappell and Willis, 1996). Therefore, an adjustment to the original contract value is required if there is a change in procedures. Impediment in prompt decision making process: Prompt decision making is an important factor for project success (Sanvido et al., 1992; Gray and Hughes, 2001). A delay in decision making may obstruct the progress of subsequent construction activities and that may eventually delay the entire project progress. Obstinate nature of Employer: A building project is the result of the combined efforts of the professionals. They have to work at the various interfaces of a project (Wang, 2000; Arain et al., 2004). If the Employer is obstinate, he may not accommodate other creative and beneficial ideas. Eventually, this may cause major Variations in the later stages and affect the project negatively. Change in specifications by owner: Changes in specifications are frequent in construction projects with inadequate project objectives (OBrien, 1998). In a multi-player environment like any construction project, change in specifications by the Employer during the construction phase may require major Variations and adjustments in project planning and procurement activities. B. Consultant Related Variations This section discusses the causes of Variations that were initiated by the consultant. In some cases, the consultant directly initiates Variations or the Variations are required because the consultant fails to fulfil certain requirements for carrying out the project. Change in design by Consultants: Change in design for improvement by the Consultant is a norm in contemporary professional practice (Arain et al., 2004). The changes in design are frequent in projects where construction starts before the design is finalized (Fisk, 1997). Design changes can affect a project adversely depending on the timing of the occurrence of the changes. Errors and omissions in design: Errors and omissions in design are an important cause of project to delays (Arain et al., 2004). Design errors and omissions may lead to loss of productivity and delay in project schedule (Assaf et al., 1995). Hence, errors and omissions in design can affect a project adversely depending on the timing of the occurrence of the errors. Conflicts between contract documents: Conflict between contract documents can result in misinterpretation of the actual requirement of a project (CII, 1986a). To convey complete project scope for participants, the contract documents must be clear and straight to the point. Insufficient details in contract documents may adversely affect the project, leading to delay in project completion. Inadequate scope of work for contractor: In a multi-player environment like construction, the scope of work for all the players must be clear and without uncertainty for successful project completion (Fisk, 1997; Arain et al., 2004). Inadequate scope of work for the contractor can cause major Variations that may negatively affect the project, and leads to changes in construction planning. Technology change: Technology change is a potential cause of Variations in a project. Project planning should be flexible for accommodating new beneficial Variations (CII, 1994b). This is because the new technology can be beneficial in the project life cycle, for instance, reducing maintenance cost of the project. Or new methods of constructions that reduce construction cost. Value engineering: Value engineering should ideally be carried out during the design phase (DellIsola, 1982). During the construction phase, value engineering can be a costly exercise, as Variation in any design element would initiate and leads to Variations to other relevant design components (Mokhtar et al., 2000). Lack of coordination: A lack of coordination between parties may cause major variations that could eventually impact the project adversely (Arain et al., 2004). Unfavourable Variations, which affect the projects negatively, can usually be managed at an early stage by paying extra focus in coordination. Design complexity: Complex designs require unique skills and construction methods (Arain et al., 2004). Complexity affects the flow of construction activities, whereas simple and linear construction works are relatively easy to handle (Fisk, 1997). Hence, complexity may cause major Variations in construction projects. Inadequate working drawing details: To convey a complete concept of the project design, the working drawings must be clear and concise (Geok, 2002). Insufficient working drawing details can result in misinterpretation of the actual requirement of a project (Arain et al., 2004). Thorough reviewing of design details would assist in minimizing Variations. Inadequate shop drawing details: Shop drawings are usually developed for construction work details for site professionals (Cox and Hamilton, 1995). As mentioned earlier with regard to working drawing details, likewise, inadequacy of shop drawing details can be a potential cause of Variations in the construction projects. Consultants lack of judgment and experience: Professional experience and judgment is an important factor for a successful completion of a building project (Clough and Sears, 1994; OBrien, 1998). The lack of professional experience increases the risk of errors in design as well as during construction. Eventually, this may affect the project quality and delay the project completion. Lack of consultants knowledge of available materials and equipment: Knowledge of available materials and equipment is an important factor for developing a comprehensive design (Geok, 2002). In the construction industry where material standardization is not common, the consultants lack of knowledge of available materials and equipment can cause numerous major Variations during various project phases. Honest wrong beliefs of consultant: Honest wrong beliefs may cause construction professionals to contribute poor value add in projects (Arain, 2002; Arain et al., 2004). Consultants, without having firsthand knowledge, may make decisions based on their wrong beliefs which would adversely affect the pace of the project. Consultants lack of required data: A lack of data can result in misinterpretation of the actual requirements of a project (Assaf et al., 1995; Arain, 2002). When there is insufficient data, consultants are prone to develop designs based on their own perceptions, which may not be what the Employer wants. Eventually, this may cause major Variations and affect the project negatively. Obstinate nature of consultant: In a multi-player environment like construction, the professionals have to work as team at the various interfaces of a project (Wang, 2000; Arain et al., 2004). If the consultant is obstinate, he may not accommodate other creative and beneficial ideas. Eventually, this may cause major Variations in the later stages and affect the project negatively. Ambiguous design details: A clearer design tends to be comprehended more readily (OBrien, 1998). Ambiguity or Doubtfulness or uncertainty in design is a potential cause of Variations in a project. This is because ambiguity in design can be misinterpreted by project participants, leading to rework and delay in the project completion. Eventually, this may affect the project progress negatively. Design discrepancies (inadequate design): Inadequate design can be a frequent cause of Variations in construction projects (CII, 1990a; Fisk, 1997). Design discrepancies affect the project functionality and quality. Eventually, this can affect a project adversely depending on the timing of the occurrence of the Variations. Noncompliance of design with government regulations: Noncompliance of design with government regulations or policies would cost the project difficult to execute (Clough and Sears, 1994). Noncompliance with government regulations may affect the project safety and progress negatively, leading to serious accidents and delays in the project completion. Noncompliance of design with owners requirements: A comprehensive design is one that accommodates the owners requirements (Cox and Hamilton, 1995). A noncompliance design with the owners requirements is considered an inadequate design (Fisk, 1997). Eventually, this may cause Variations for accommodating the Employers requirements. This may affect the project adversely during the construction phase. Change in specifications by consultant: Changes in specifications are frequent in construction projects with inadequate project objectives (OBrien, 1998). As mentioned earlier with respect to changes in specifications by the Employer, this is also a potential cause of Variations in a project, leading to reworks and delays in the project completion. C. Contractor Related Variations This section discusses the causes of Variations that were related to the Contractor. In some cases, the contractor may suggest Variations to the project, or the Variations may be required because the contractor fails to fulfil certain requirements for carrying out the project. Lack of Contractors involvement in design: Involvement of the Contractor in the design may assist in developing better designs by accommodating his creative and practical ideas (Arain et al., 2004). Lack of Contractors involvement in design may eventually cause Variations. Practical ideas which are not accommodated during the design phase will eventually affect the project negatively. Unavailability of equipment: Unavailability of equipment is a procurement problem that can affect the project completion (OBrien, 1998). Occasionally, the lack of equipment may cause major design Variations or adjustments to project scheduling to accommodate the replacement. Unavailability of skills (shortage of skilled manpower): Skilled manpower is one of the major resources required for complex technological projects (Arain et al., 2004). Shortage of skilled manpower is more likely to occur in complex technological projects. This lack can be a cause for Variations that may delay the projects completion date. Contractors financial difficulties: Construction is a labour intensive industry. Whether the Contractor has been paid or not, the wages of the worker must still be paid (Thomas and Napolitan, 1994). Contractors financial difficulties may cause major Variations during a project, affecting its quality and progress and in some cases even the safety of the site is affected if there is an argument. Contractors desired profitability: Contractors desired profitability can be a potential cause of Variations in construction projects. This is because Variations are considered a common source of additional works for the contractor (OBrien, 1998). The Contractor may eventually strive to convince the project Employer to allow certain Variations, leading to additional financial benefits for him. Differing site conditions: Differing site condition can be an important cause of delays in large building projects (Assaf et al., 1995). The contractor may face different soil conditions than those indicated in the tender documents. Eventually this may affect his cost estimates and schedule negatively. Defective workmanship: Defective workmanship may lead to demolition and rework in construction projects (Fisk, 1997; OBrien, 1998). Defective workmanship results in low quality in construction projects (Arain et al., 2004). Even the Contractor bares the cost of the defective work, but this also may affect the project negatively, leading to rework and delay in the project completion. Unfamiliarity with local conditions: Familiarity with local conditions is an important factor for the successful completion of a construction project (Clough and Sears, 1994). If the Contractor is not aware of local conditions, it would be extremely difficult for him to carry out the project. Eventually, project delays may occur that end up with vital Variations in the entire design entity. Lack of a specialized construction manager: The construction manager carries out the construction phase in an organized way to eliminate the risks of delays and other problems. Lack of a specialized construction manager may lead to defective workmanship and delay in the construction project. Fast track construction: Fast track construction requires an organized system to concurrently carry out interdependent project activities (Fisk, 1997). When the public and private sectors have large funds and want to complete projects in a very short time, complete construction drawings and specifications may not be available when the contractor starts work (Arain et al., 2004).Eventually, this procurement mode may cause major Variations. Poor procurement process: Procurement delays have various negative effects on other processes in the construction cycle (Fisk, 1997). Occasionally, the procurement delay may cause an entire change or replacement for originally specified materials or equipment for the project (Arain et al., 2004). This may therefore cause a need for project activities to be reworked. Lack of communication: Detrimental Variations, which affect the projects adversely, can usually be managed at an early stage with strong and incessant communication. A lack of coordination and communication between parties may cause major Variations that could eventually impact the project negatively (Arain et al., 2004). Contractors lack of judgment and experience: The consultants lack of professional experience increases the risk of errors during construction (OBrien, 1998). This lack may cause major construction Variations in a project, when both Contractor and consultant could not identify or foresee the problems in the planning stage due to both parties are lacking of experience. Eventually, this may affect the project quality and delay the project completion. Long lead procurement: Procurement delays have various adverse affects on other processes in the construction cycle (Fisk, 1997). Occasionally, the procurement delay may cause an entire change or replacement for originally specified materials or equipment for the project. Delay in long lead procurement is a common cause of delays in building projects (Assaf et al., 1995). Honest wrong beliefs of contractor: As mentioned earlier with respect to honest wrong beliefs of the consultant, honest wrong beliefs of the contractor can also be a potential cause of Variations in construction projects. Contractors, without having firsthand knowledge, may make decisions based on their wrong beliefs which would adversely affect the quality and pace of the project. Complex design and technology: Complex design and technology require detailed interpretations by the designer to make it comprehensible for the Contractor (Arain, 2002). A complex design may be experienced for the first time by the Contractor. Eventually, the complexity may affect the flow of construction activities, leading to delays in the project completion. Lack of strategic planning: Proper strategic planning is an important factor for successful completion of a building project (Clough and Sears, 1994; CII, 1994a). The lack of strategic planning is a common cause of Variations in projects where construction starts before the design is finalized, for instance, in concurrent design and construction contracts (OBrien, 1998). Contractors lack of required data: A lack of required data may affect the contractors strategic planning for successful project completion, leading to frequent disruptions during the construction process. This is because a lack of data can result in misinterpretation of the actual requirements of a project (Assaf et al., 1995; Arain et al., 2004). Contractors obstinate nature: As mentioned earlier with regard to the obstinate nature of consultant, likewise, this can be a potential cause of Variations in construction projects. If the Contractor is obstinate, he may not accommodate creative and beneficial ideas suggested by others. Eventually, this may cause major Variations in the later stages and affect the project negatively. D. Other Variations This section discusses the causes of Variations that were not directly related to the project team. Weather conditions: Adverse weather conditions can affect outside activities in construction projects (Fisk, 1997; OBrien, 1998). When weather conditions vary such as the various monsoon seasons in Malaysia, the contractor needs to adjust the construction schedule accordingly. Occasionally, this may affect the project progress negatively, leading to delays in construction. Safety considerations: Safety is an important factor for the successful completion of a building project (Clough and Sears, 1994). Noncompliance with safety requirements may cause major Variations in design. Lack of safety considerations may affect the project progress negatively, leading to serious accidents and delays in the project completion. Change in government regulations: Local authorities may have specific codes and regulations that need to be accommodated in the design (Arain et al., 2004). Change in government regulations during the project construction phase may cause major Variations in design and construction. This can affect a project negatively depending on the timing of the occurrence of the changes. Change in economic conditions: Economic conditions are one of the influential factors that may affect a construction project (Fisk, 1997). The economic situation of a country can affect the whole construction industry and its participants. Eventually, this may affect the project negatively, depending on the timing of the occurrence of the Variations. Socio-cultural factors: Professionals with different socio-cultural backgrounds may encounter problems due to different perceptions, and this may affect the working environment of the construction project (Arain et al., 2004). Lack of coordination is common between professionals with different socio-cultural backgrounds (OBrien, 1998). Eventually, project delays may occur that end up with vital changes in the entire project team. Unforeseen problems: Unforeseen conditions are usually faced by professionals in the construction industry (Clough and Sears, 1994; OBrien, 1998). If these conditions are not solved as soon as possible, they may cause major Variations in the construction projects. Eventually, this may affect the project negatively, leading to reworks and delays in the project completion. The Effects of Variation As stated in Max Abrahams in his book Engineering Law and the ICE Contracts, most of the employment given to the legal profession on engineering work is to do with disputes about Variations. Most significant number of claims emerged are from Variations, and that the Variation clause exists mainly is to protect the client/employer. If the majority claims by the contractors and the greatest problem in contract management are both caused by Variation, then either the variation must be reduced or eliminated, or a better legal and practical framework must be created so that they can be solve with more effectively. The simple answer to this is to be able to avoid use the of variation clause in the contract.. However, if a contract does not provide such clauses, the client may find himself unable to do something and accepting an unsatisfied product because he could not change what he now wants, although in return for great certainty with regard to price and possibly time. The existence of a variation clause improves the potential for securing and improving end product, but with a price, for the client then have less certainty about the price to be paid and the time for completion. In addition it to be said that the existence of Variation clause itself will also generate Variations cost, because the complete design at tender stage can be avoided. The extend to which completed design is to avoided at the tender state and extend to which the client has not secured a fixed price is generally considerable. Consider for instance, the parts of building project which are consider being variable in any event: Prime cost sums Provisional sum Provisional quantities Contingencies Day works Fluctuations Therefore, it is rare that a building contract sum is fixed. It is considered unwise that the contract should not contains Variation clauses because the consequence of inability to change the works as a right would, inevitably, lead on occasion to waste of resources. Some contracts do not contain Variation clauses, and such contract is very common in North America. This does not mean the Variation would not arise, only that the client has no contractual rights to vary the works. What we need is not about eliminating the Variation clauses, but to have better defined clauses. An inefficiently defined variation clauses can be easily identified, as variation occurs more often in works of alteration than on new works yet the system if control is not better; the same clauses are frequently used notwithstanding the fact that variations can to a great extent be reasonably anticipated on works of refurbishment or alteration. An improved legal framework and system of control must be also being willingness on the part of the professionals to use the variation clauses as intended and not to abuse it. Abuse can occur for various reasons: Where a clause is implemented because the scheme was not ful
Friday, January 17, 2020
How Does Marxism Explain the Role of Education in Society?
How does Marxism explain the role of education in society? The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes. It is most concerned with the public schooling systems of modern industrial societies, including the expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing education. Education has always been seen as a fundamentally optimistic human endeavour characterised by aspirations for progress and betterment.It is understood by many to be a means of overcoming handicaps, achieving greater equality and acquiring wealth and social status (Education and Sociology 1992). Education is perceived as a place where children can develop according to their unique needs and potential. It is also perceived as one of the best means of achieving greater social equality. Many would say that the purpose of education should be to develop every individual to their full potential and give them a chance to achieve as much in life a s their natural abilities allow (meritocracy).However some take a particularly negative view, arguing that the education system is designed with the intention of causing the social reproduction of inequality and creating a workforce for society. One of the main sociological approaches that use theory to explain the role of education is Marxism. The Marxist perspective is critical of the educational system, arguing that it is unfair, and serves to coerce people into accepting their ââ¬Å"rolesâ⬠in an unequal society. The concept of the ââ¬Ëhidden curriculumââ¬â¢ is key in the understanding of the Marxist perspective.The aim of the hidden curriculum is to socialise young people into accepting the role assigned to them by the capitalist class. It is argued the teachers subconsciously deliver this ââ¬Ëhidden curriculumââ¬â¢ making pupils aware of the respect and obedience that should be given towards the established organisation [Karl Marx, 1983]. As well as this, sub tle skills such as time keeping and organisation are taught. In introducing these skills from a young age, society will accept them as norms and not question there status in society.The correspondence principle is a theory used by Marxists to explain how much of what we learn in school is preparation for our future roles as workers is in capitalist society. Many sociologists who support this principle argue that education is just a means of maintaining social class boundaries. Many argue that schools in capitalistic societies are geared toward giving children different types of education based solely on their social standing rather than by their inherent skills. Under this principle schools are believed to give lower class children a different type of education compared to their upper class counterparts.Typically, it is said that lower class children are put on an educational track that will prepare them for ââ¬Ëblue collarââ¬â¢ jobs. It is thought that the education of lower class children is different because it prepares them to enter the work force directly after secondary school. Schooling teaches working class children to sit quietly at their desk, obey the teacherââ¬â¢s authority, and also acquaints them with becoming familiar with repetitive tasks. Similarly, the education of upper class children is thought to be geared toward upper class or ââ¬Ëwhite collarââ¬â¢ professions.With upper class children, instead of focusing on preparing them to enter the workforce, there is added emphasis is on preparing them to move on to four year colleges and universities after secondary school. Here they are trained to be professionals and capitalists by teaching them how to think critically and instilling in them a sense of responsibility and authority [Frank M Howell 1982] Louis Althusser was a structural Marxist who, through the influences of Karl Marx, introduced the concept of an ââ¬Ëideological state apparatusââ¬â¢.He argued that economic rel ations structure education so as to reproduce these same economic values into teaching. He went on to state that education is part of the system of the reproduction of labour power. Schools work to ensure that those who are to do the work will do so co-operatively, out of the belief that the situation is just and reasonable. From this point of view, the failure of so many pupils in schools is not a failing of the system but actually what the schooling system is designed to do. Working class children, who opt out, fail, or find schools alien, are indications that schooling is working successfully.Thus, education is not designed to develop human potential, but to limit it. The correspondence principle (Bowles and Gintis 1976) takes this point further stating that education introduces the acceptance of hierarchy and motivation by external rewards. For example; teacher says, pupil does; boss says worker does. Hierarchy comes into place in the form of the teachers roles e. g. head, deput y head, head of year, head of department etc. Many pupils are not interested in the subject knowledge they are taught are school, the only reason that have for going to school is to get exam passes i. e. an external reward.This prepares us for the world of work where we do not work for the love of the job but for the wage. Thus what happens at school corresponds to what happens at work. There are several examples present in todayââ¬â¢s society that support Marxist theories of education. The introduction of the Youth Training Schemes (YTS) in 1983 [online] is one of these. Known as ââ¬Ëon-the-job training coursesââ¬â¢, these YTS represented ââ¬Ëworking classââ¬â¢ and job specific qualifications for the needs of capitalism. Another example of such schemes are General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQââ¬â¢s) which are now know as NVQââ¬â¢s.Such courses are said to favour the working classes as the structure is mainly coursework based. Many of the courses invo lve hands on learning which again, teach the hidden disciplines needed to work for the capitalist society and prepare a skilled work force. The Class biased system of education is shown by league tables and examination results and the principle of student loans represents the way in which the disadvantaged (working classes) are ââ¬Ëpricedââ¬â¢ out of the system. In conclusion of the Marxist perspective, it is clear they take a very critical approach on the education system.The promotion of ruling class ideologies through institutions such as the education system is seen to supress the working classes keeping them conformed to the norms and values of society. The teaching of these values at a young age means fewer questions are likely to be asked and the capitalist society can continue to work as it does, for the benefit of the economy. A second sociological perspective that takes a different view on education is that of functionalism. This is, in contrast to Marxism, a non-con flict approach. Functionalists believe that the education system has three main functions.Firstly it socialises young people into key cultural values such as equality of opportunity, competition and religious morality. Education is said by functionalists (especially Durkheim) to emphasise moral responsibilities in society that people should have towards each other [Education and Sociology 1922]. If these norms were not passed down through generations then there would be a tendency for individualism (where people believe that they are more important than social groups). An example of how education goes about promoting these values is through the subjects that are taught.Citizenship and religious education were introduced as compulsory subjects in schools to see that young people did things with thought for the society. The second function is to do with the skills that education teaches children, from literacy and numeracy to more job-specific skills. Occupational jobs are becoming mo re specialised and this in turn will lead to more years in education. The final function of education, according to functionalists is the allocating of roles of young people in society. Examinations and qualifications are said to allocate people for their most suited job.The equality of opportunity took place and so higher talented people are given the most functionally important jobs for the society. Emile Durkheim is one of the main influential and well known functionalists. He stated that ââ¬Ësociety can survive only if there exists among all its members a sufficient degree of homogeneity; education perpetuates and reinforces this homogeneity by fixing in the child, from the very beginning, the essential similarities that collective life demandsââ¬â¢ [Education and Sociology 1922]. Homogeneity is defined as the quality or state of being of the same or similar nature having a uniform structure throughout [online].Durkheim saw sociology as a science and concentrated on the st udy of social facts rather than what motivates the actions of individuals. He argued that education has many functions; to reinforce social solidarity in subjects such as history (learning about individuals who have done good things for the many makes an individual feel insignificant) and through the pledge of allegiance in America (making individuals feel part of a group and therefore less likely to break rules); to maintain social role (school is a society in miniature. It has a similar hierarchy, rules, and expectations to the ââ¬Å"outside world. It trains young people to fulfil roles); and to maintain division of labour (school sorts students into skill groups, encouraging students to take up employment in fields best suited to their abilities) [Education and Sociology 1922]. Although many of these points are similar to that of Marxism, the functionalists look at the positives of such class divisions. Two more perspectives that challenge the views of Marxism are Interactionism and Feminism. Interactionists take a micro approach looking at what happens in the classroom environment, specifically pupil and teacher interaction.They also concentrate on the way teacher expectations and perceptions of pupils can affect the life chances and educational chances of pupils. Whereas Marxists and Functionalists tend to focus on the structural sides to society, interactionists examine the relationships between the education system and the individual. This sociological group place a strong emphasis on labelling theology. Hargreaves, Hester and Mellor (Deviance in Classrooms 1975) studied how pupils became typified and classified. They conducted their study in two schools by interviewing teachers and observing in class.They found that teachers have a limited knowledge about their pupils when they first arrive at school, so they speculate, using the information that they already have, such as the pupilsââ¬â¢ appearance, how far they conform to discipline, and their en thusiasm for work. This is elaborated over time until the teacher reaches a stage when they feel ââ¬Å"they knowâ⬠the pupil. It is therefore a gradual process that changes over time. Through this process the teacher can have an important influence on the progress of their pupils.It can affect the attention and encouragement a pupil can receive. The self-fulfilling prophecy follows on from the stereotyping and subsequent labelling of pupils. This theory argues that predictions made by teachers about the future success or failure of their pupils will tend to come true. The teachersââ¬â¢ interaction with their pupils will be influenced by the labels that they have attached. If a pupil has been labelled by their teacher as a potentially bright student they may receive extra encouragement to attain the higher marks.Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) tested the validity of self-fulfilling prophecy. They discovered that teachersââ¬â¢ expectations could significantly affect their pu pilsââ¬â¢ performance The feminist perspectives generally focus on how education promotes patriarchy and a ââ¬Ëmale dominatedââ¬â¢ society. There are many different branches within feminism such as liberal, radical and Marxist feminists however they all share the view that the education system is very male orientated and that women are socialised to conform to this dominance thus supressing them.Some of the more radical approaches go as far to say that ââ¬Ëpatriarchy will only end when women are freed from the physical and emotional violence inflicted by men in the classroom and the playgroundââ¬â¢ [online] In conclusion, the Marxist approach takes a very critical view of the education system arguing that is merely reinforces inequalities in society. They go on to state that in teaching a ââ¬Ëhidden curriculumââ¬â¢, the system is only in place to create a dominant and trained work force to work for and fit the needs of the capitalist society.From a young age chi ldren begin to be shaped to fit these societal needs and are made to believe that their place in society is already decided for them through norms and values. In conforming to what they believe is normal, societies avoid anomie and complete social collapse as well as keeping the social classes from rising above their stations or asking questions. In contrast to such a negative outlook on the education system, functionalists look at how the teaching of norms and values creates social solidarity where shared beliefs bring together all classes.Interactionists take yet another view exploring the concept of pupil to teacher interaction and how labelling can shape behaviour. Finally, feminists take the view that the education system works in favour of males in giving them a higher status in the economical market thus justifying the suppression of women. References -Bottomore, Tom; Goode, Patrick [1983] ââ¬ËReadings in Marxist Sociologyââ¬â¢ Clarendon Press (London) -Durkheim, Emile [1895] ââ¬ËThe Rules of Sociological Methodââ¬â¢ 8th edition, trans.Sarah A. Solovay and John M. Mueller, ed. George E. G. Catlin (1938, 1964 edition) -Durkheim, Emile [1956] ââ¬ËEducation and Sociologyââ¬â¢ Macmillan Publishing Co. , inc. & Collier Macmillan Publishers (London) -Howell, Frank M. ; McBroom, Lynn W. (1982), SOCIAL RELATIONS AT HOME AND AT SCHOOL: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CORRESPONDENCE PRINCIPLE, 55, American Sociological Association -http://socyberty. com/education/the-functions-of-education-according-to-functionalists-and-marxists/#ixzz1HN8LoWUv [accessed on 13. 3. 2011] -http://socyberty. com/education/the-functions-of-education-according-to-functionalists-and-marxists/#ixzz1HNLMioDC [accessed on 9. 03. 2011] -http://www. educationforum. co. uk/sociology_2/functionalist. htm [accessed on 9. 03. 2011] -http://www. le. ac. uk/education/resources/SocSci/zoe. html [accessed on 9. 03. 2011] -http://www. marxists. org/glossary/people/a/l. htm [accessed on 9. 03. 2 011] -http://www. thestudentroom. co. uk/showthread. php? t=185151 [accessed on 13. 03. 2011]
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Plot Summary
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, written in 1876, is one of the best-loved and most quoted works of American author Mark Twain (whose real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens). The novel, which sold slowly at first for the author, can be appreciated on multiple levels. Children can enjoy the adventure story, and adults can appreciate the satire. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Summary Tom Sawyer is a young boy living with his Aunt Polly on the banks of the Mississippi River. He seems to most enjoy getting into trouble. After missing school one day (and getting into a fight), Tom is punished with the task of whitewashing a fence. However, he turns the punishment into a bit of entertainment and tricks other boys to finish the work for him. He convinces the boys that the chore is a great honor, so he receives small, precious objects in payment. Around this time, Tom falls in love with a young girl, Becky Thatcher. He suffers under a whirlwind romance and engagement to her before she shuns him after she hears of Toms previous engagement to Amy Lawrence. He tries to win Becky back, but it doesnt go well. She refuses a gift he tries to give her. Humiliated, Tom runs off and dreams up a plan to run away. Its around this time that Tom runs into Huckleberry Finn, who would be the titular character in Twains next and most acclaimed novel. Huck and Tom agree to meet in the graveyard at midnight to test a scheme to cure warts involving a dead cat. The boys meet at the graveyard, which brings the novel to its pivotal scene when they witness a murder. Injun Joe kills Dr. Robinson and tries to blame it on the drunken Muff Porter. Injun Joe is unaware that the boys have seen what hes done. Afraid of the consequences of this knowledge, he and Huck swear an oath of silence. However, Tom becomes deeply depressed when Muff goes to jail for Robinsons murder. After yet another rejection by Becky Thatcher, Tom and Huck run off with their friend Joe Harper. They steal some food and head to Jacksons Island. Theyre not there long before they discover a search party looking for three boys presumed drowned and realize they are the boys in question. They play along with the charade for a while and dont reveal themselves until their funerals, marching into the church to the surprise and consternation of their families. Tom continues his flirtation with Becky with limited success over summer vacation. Eventually, overcome with guilt, he testifies at the trial of Muff Potter, exonerating him of Robinsons murder. Potter is released, and Injun Joe escapes through a window in the courtroom. The court case isnt Toms last encounter with Injun Joe, however. In the final part of the novel, he and Becky (newly reunited) get lost in one of the caves. Here, Tom stumbles across his archenemy. Escaping his clutches and finding his way out, Tom manages to alert the townspeople, who lock up the cave while leaving Injun Joe inside. Our hero ends up ââ¬â¹happy, however, as he and Huck discover a box of gold (that once belonged to Injun Joe), and the money is invested for them. Tom finds happiness andà ââ¬âà much to his distressà ââ¬âà Huck finds respectability by being adopted. The Takeaway Although Tom is, in the end, victorious, Twains plot and characters are so believable and realistic that the reader cannot help but worry for the easy-go-lucky boy (Tom) even though he rarely worries for himself. In Huckleberry Finn, Twain created a wonderful and enduring character, a chipper poor boy who hates nothing more than respectability and being sivilised and who wants nothing more than to be out on his river. Tom Sawyer is both a wonderful childrens book and a book perfect for adults who still are children at heart. Never dull, always funny, and sometimes poignant, it is a classic novel from a truly great writer.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Ashura practices (religious practice) Free Essay Example, 2000 words
The great Prophet Muhammad stated that people ought to worship Allah as much as they could on this day, so many followers do the same on Ashura. Furthermore, he advised people to fast as doing so on this day would be like fasting for all their lives. Other acts that the Prophet recommended included visiting the sick, clothing the naked as well as feeding the hungry and quenching their thirst. The Prophet also stated that it was necessary for followers to be generous to their family members and to apply Kuhl to their eyes (Hassan 72). The justifications for fasting and celebration on this day can be traced back to the words of Sunni leaders in the beginning as well as to the Prophet himself. Ibn Abbaas stated that the Prophet had seen Jews fasting on that day and asked them why they did so. The Israelites responded by stating that the tenth day of the month of Muharram was the time when God had saved the Israelites from their enemies through the servant Moses. The Prophet replied by stating that Muslims had more right to Moses than the Jews, so he adopted the practice of fasting in order to commemorate the day when Allah saved the Israelites from the Egyptians. Additionally, Imam Ahmad adds that people ought to commemorate the day because this was when God rescued his people from the flood by allowing their vessel to settle on a mountain. We will write a custom essay sample on Ashura practices (religious practice) or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Therefore, it is possible to find some Sunni Muslims fasting at different degrees on this day depending on their ability to cite the crescent moon as well as other factors. The Prophet often emphasized the need for Muslims to differentiate themselves from the Jews by observing religious practices using different methods. He asked them to carry out certain practices that seemed common to Muslims and Jews in a different way in order to set themselves apart.
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